Private Residential

Sevenoaks, Kent
United Kingdom

Our lovely client from this beautiful home in Sevenoaks Kent wanted to renew their front door because overtime it had become less secure, the frame twisted and there was a draught coming through into their home.

They wanted to keep the style and colour similar, and replace the existing ironmongery. Our high security engineers surveyed the property and created a replica of the original door.

The client decided to go for a high gloss white finish on the interior panel to match her internal doors; a very popular feature of our high security doors which is not possible to achieve with timber doors. The external panel remained a beautiful royal blue.

The ironmongery we supplied was from BrassArt, a specialist boutique British manufacturer of luxury solid brass architectural ironmongery. Our client chose the Princess Knob and Large Knocker in a brushed chrome finish.

This Level 3 security door as standard comes with a multi-point lock which has 10 bolts in total: 4 bolts on the side of the door, 1 bolt at the top and bottom of the door and 4 bolts on the hinge side, so it is very secure! There is the option to upgrade to having 12 bolts. For extra security, our client chose to add an extra thumb turn locking mechanism placed out of the reach of children.

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